About the Darkroom


The GDS offers a community darkroom, suitably equiped with three enlargers (one offering a dichroic head with dial-in color controls), three enlarging stations, plenty of "wet side" counter space and temperature controlled running water. Members provide their own chemicals and paper.

The space is ideally set up to print black and white images from 35 mm, 6x6 cm or 6x7 cm, 4X5 inch or 8x10 inch format negatives, using enlargers, or any size sheet film utilizing a contact printing technique. There is plenty of room; more than one person can work at the same time. The darkroom can also be used to project images on floor and walls and provide a protected workspace when using light-sensitive paints or chemicals by other studio artists.




Omega Pro-Lab D-6 (condenser) enlarger with Schneider Componon-S lenses for 35mm to 4x5 inch formats. A variety of negative carriers and contrast filters are also available.

Beseler DiChro 67 Color enlarger with dichroic head, including a f/5.6 Komuranon 75 mm lens. By using the dial-in color values, the filters can be set for variable contrast black and white papers. Set up for 35 mm negatives, but other sized negative carriers are available.

Elwood Commercial C-2 8x10 enlarger with a Kodak Ektanon f/4.5 7.5 and 10 inch enlarging lenses that can accomodate 4x5 and 8x10 inch negative formats. We can print up to 32x40 inch images.

Each enlarger has a Beseler electronic timer.

The darkroom is also equipped with a GraLab wall mounted timer, an overhead Thomas amber safelight, a variable flow print washer, a paper safe, print and contact easels in a variety of sizes, Bestwell fine grain focus magnifiers, a dry mount press and a wide variety of plastic developing trays and beakers.


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